7 Basic Garden Maintenance Tips You Must Know

A beautiful garden can lift our spirit more than anything. But with our busy lifestyle, we cannot give enough time and attention that our garden deserves. As a result, that garden makes us sad rather than making us cheerful. Following some simple tips could change your garden care game. Simple things make such a great difference you will notice in your garden. Here are some basic garden maintenance tips you must know and follow.

Top 7 Basic Garden Maintenance Tips You Must Know

Get the right equipment

For basic garden maintenance you do not need a big equipment haul for gardening. A lawnmower, spade, hand trowel, rake, gardening gloves, and a wheelbarrow or yard cart.

These are enough for a small new garden. Think about these things as an investment. It will cost more but will last for a long time. Also, do not just buy these gears for the sake of having it. Use them as much as you can wherever you need. Learn to use the equipment and you will have fun in gardening.

basic garden maintenance equipment

Water your plants

Plants need sunlight and water. If these are enough in your garden, then you are set for a beautiful garden. Water your plants every day. It’s better to water the plants in the morning because the temperature is lower. Some plants need more water and some need barely any water. Keep plants that need less water in a different line. So whenever you are watering the garden you can skip your aloe Vera, cactus, or Adenium

Soil is the source of life for plants

Plants get their nutrition from the soil. We know a healthy garden for how healthy the soil is. For healthy soil, loosen it up every month with a spade. Compost is food for the soil.

You can make your compost by using peels of vegetables and fruits. Add that compost to your flowerbed or vegetable garden. The plants will be happy, and they will make you happy by giving flowers and vegetables. 

Be selective about plants

If you are not some miraculous person who can grow anything on concrete, then be selective about buying your plants. There are plants hard to kill and some are hard to keep alive. Select plants according to your ability. It will disappoint you less. Also, it is about your priority list. We all are busy in this modern life. Do not buy any plant that needs more attention and care when you barely find time to water your plants. 

Get weeds out of your garden

If you thought having a garden means enjoying a morning with coffee, that is a partial truth. Because sometimes you have to get dirty in the garden. Weeds steal nutrition and beauty from your plants. Weeding is a vital part when you are gardening. It will become unstoppable if you do not keep them in check. 

basic garden maintenance tips

Mulching is necessary for garden maintenance

Add a top layer of mulch to your garden. It helps the soil to keep moisture. It also encourages the earthworm to grow into the soil. Mulching is a useful way to recycle garden waste. Whatever you can manage, pine needles, clippings, leaves, and wood chips will be a treat for your garden. Also, do not overdo it by spreading a thick layer. It will make your plants dry.

Prune whenever it’s necessary

We do not realize how important pruning is until we see plants becoming more beautiful after pruning. Different plants require pruning in a different season. So simplifying it tries to prune after every bloom. It should be in summer, never do pruning before or in the winter. The tender regrowth will suffer in winter if you do so. Pruning requires the right equipment. For a simpler pruning job, a hand pruner with bypass or anvil blades are great. Before you are pruning make sure your blade is very sharp. 

Final thoughts

There you have it. All the tips to make your garden beautiful with healthy plants. It will also make you confident about your garden, so you become an excellent caregiver for your plants. Do not just read these tips, follow them in every way. Know your plants as much as you can. Knowing helps because you can take care of them by knowing them better.